That Vegan Dad is Sharing Hilarious Clips About Plant-Based Lifestyle

When Jack Rock and the rest of his family decided to go vegan in 2017 to help his son combat a serious illness, he had no idea what amazing journey lies ahead. He’s now known as That Vegan Dad and his hilarious clips about plant-based lifestyle are making thousands of people laugh every day.

Every vegan has their own reason to embrace this lifestyle, and Rock’s is both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. His youngest son suffered from severe eczema at a young age, and his whole family went vegan to support him after a small change in his diet made things better.

“My wife and I began to research and found that dairy has a strong connection to eczema and decided to cut out dairy completely from our family’s diet. It instantly cleared up our son’s eczema and this is where our vegan journey began,” he explained on his official website.

Rock initially went vegan for his family, but the list of reasons to stick to this lifestyle piled up over time. In addition to embracing this diet to combat animal cruelty, he’s also hoping his content will change the misconception about men in the vegan community. Like most food bloggers, Rock is no stranger to sharing vegan recipes, but he’s now best known thanks to his viral clips about the ups and downs of the vegan lifestyle.