This Artist Fills Every Inch of Paper With Her Intricate Abstract Art

The longer you stare at a piece of art, the more it reveals to you. And the Italian artist, Roberta Boffo includes such incredible intricacies in her work, you could stare at her pieces for hours and discover new details every minute. Using calligraphy pens and brushes of a variety of different sizes, she fills every single inch of the paper to create a composition that invokes curiosity and a sense of peace.

Boffo’s process is one that she creates for herself. She explains that her artistic technique allows her to quiet her mind and find a sense of peace within herself.

“When I make art, I cease to exist, my emotions become quiet… all that is in my head, my heart and my subconscious just flows onto the paper,” Boffo explains on her website. “In my art I stop being who I am and I become all sorts of things: I become a language that only I can speak, I become symbols that only I can understand. I become simplicity, the ultimate simplicity. I reside in one state only: I am peaceful.”

She uses large and small brush strokes, pens to draw symbols of varying sizes and fine-tipped pens to create dots around every other aspect already drawn on the paper.

Her work is inspired by calligraphy, with its gestural movements. She creates only in black ink to create a balance between the black of the pen, and the white of the paper. Her abstract art pushes limits to make the viewer feel drawn into the piece, looking for subtleties and fine details. You’ve never seen anything like her work—and once you have, there’s no going back.