This Innovative Plant Jungle Maintains Plants Worth More Than Some Houses

Image via notanotherjungle/Instagram

People collect all kinds of stuff, from action figures and beautiful napkins to vinyl records. These things can take up a lot of space, and that was certainly the case of 30-year-old Tony LeBritton, who transformed his lounge into a fully-fledged jungle.

But what makes his jungle so unique is that his plants are literally worth a fortune. In his house, you can find some of the rarest and expensive plants, one of which have leaves worth $16,000 each.

He explains that this specimen is unique because of its leaf pattern. Not only that, but apparently it’s the only one in the world quite like it. Indeed, LeBritton maintains that he already has tree leaf pre-orders, due to its popularity.

LeBritton inherited his love for plants from his grandparents, two passionate plant lovers—especially his grandma Cora who was a plant collector as well.

“It just with stuck with me—I grew up in the garden. It’s all about the experiences I had when I was younger, being at the allotment with my grandparents. People always admired [Cora’s] garden, and she made me a part of that. It’s in my blood, I suppose,” he told MetroUK in an interview. He then added that being surrounded by plants for 25 years helped him understand plants better.

His astonishing images on his Instagram account speak for themselves. If you also love greenery, feel free to check out the gallery below.