This Turkish Foodie is Creating Mini Versions of Her Favorite Traditional Dishes

Ece Caglayan wanted to share the beauty of Turkish cuisine with the world, and she came up with a pretty creative way to get it done. She started her Instagram page “Mini Yemek”, where she’s sharing miniature versions of her favorite Turkish dishes.

Caglayan is based in Istanbul, and she has a background in ceramic design. She discovered her passion for miniatures at a very young age after her mother collected coupons from newspapers to buy her very first dollhouse.

She went a long way since then, and she was inspired to blend her love for cooking and miniature art into one after discovering miniature cooking videos on YouTube.

“When I saw that nobody from my country has made such videos, I wanted to be the first to do it and I realized my goal. I set up a miniature kitchen with a scale of 1.12 and I cook Turkish food and food from around the world using real and eatable ingredients,” she explains on her YouTube channel.

Mini Yemek was born, and she’s been challenging herself by trying to prepare many different dishes over the years. Caglayan’s main goal was to introduce more people to the magic of Turkish cuisine and show the world there’s more to it than kebab and baklava.