TikToker Shares Story About How She Bought Plates Made by Pablo Picasso for Just $8

Did you know that Pablo Picasso, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, made ceramics? If you didn’t, don’t worry, most people are also unaware of that. This is what probably helped one TikToker buy four Pablo Picasso plates for cheap and get a handsome profit.

New York-based thrift store enthusiast Nancy Cavaliere recently shared a video on her TikTok in which she shared a story about how she bought Picasso plates for just $8 at her local Salvation Army.

According to Cavaliere, she browsed the Salvation Army store, and right before she was about to walk out, she noticed a set of plates on one aisle. They were $1.99 each, so she figured she could use them to make a table skate.

Fortunately, before she reused the plates, she decided to google them and was shocked when she found out they were handmade and painted by Picasso himself. After contacting several auction houses, she got them authenticated and ended up selling three for around $40,000.

Cavaliere also revealed that she kept one plate, signed by the artist, for herself.

So next time you are in a thrift store, keep your eyes wide open. You never know when you might find some hidden treasure by yourself.