Adorable Cat Coffee AKA Mr. White Becomes Instagram Star After Surviving a Serious Illness

With over two million followers and counting, Coffee aka Mr. White is now one of Instagram’s most beloved cats, but his journey to the top wasn’t an easy one. His owners went through a heartbreaking journey shortly after adopting him after he was diagnosed with cancer.

Pookie and her sister Ping took Coffee in when he was five months old after one of their friends could no longer take care of him. He was so adorable that they couldn’t help but share his shenanigans with the world on Instagram, but tragedy struck shortly before his account started gaining traction.

After noticing suspicious lumps, his owner took him to the vet. It turned out he had kidney lymphoma, but the fierce warrior managed to overcome this disease—with a little bit of help from his fans who supported him every step of the way.

“The reaction was overwhelming. It was what we needed. Every post we made, we read all the comments – every single one. Sometimes they were in the thousands… I think he could feel the love we got from everyone around the world,” Pookie told People.

Coffee is seven years old now, and he’s healthy and thriving. Head to his Instagram page and dive into the purrfect world of this adorable, blue-eyed cat with luscious white fur.