Brooklyn-Based Artist Creates Illustrations That are Modern and Vintage at the Same Time

Karlotta Freier is an artist from Brooklyn, New York, and her illustrations capture the unique aspects of everyday life. She has a talent for turning the most mundane themes into vibrant, vintage-looking artwork that looks like something from a dream. 

“Karlotta Freier is a visual narrator who uses the medium of drawing on paper to tell stories,” reads her bio on the site of The Honey Pump, a visual arts agency that represents her. “Her illustrations carry the viewer into an intimate dimension – where every image becomes an untold story about real-life events and personal fantasies,” the agency continues. Each of Freier’s illustrations, whether it’s an ink sketch or an oil painting, tell stories with details you don’t notice at first glance. 

The artist does a lot of commission work for editorial and advertising projects, but also creates her own artist books and shares them on Instagram @karllikesotto where she’s free to explore storytelling through visual art. The unusual perspectives emphasize how people are actually small compared to the whole world and everything in it. 

Visit Freier’s Instagram to see more of her work and get info about her latest projects.