How an Artist Implemented Elegant Embroidery Into Home Décor

The Seoul-based Eunjung Choi, whose Instagram gallery is full of whimsical flowers, leaves, mushrooms, and other brilliant creations, describes herself as a “textile artist based on embroidery.”

Indeed, Choi has been into arts and crafts since her earliest years. While she was trying to find her favorite medium, she majored in art and was later employed as a visual merchandiser. That’s when she started making some beautiful decorations and figured out that innovative embroidery was her true path.

To create her beautiful and elegant artwork, Choi gets inspired by oriental images and motifs. Although she uses all kinds of materials, she says her favorite embroidery technique is the French technique.

“Sometimes, I find unexpected emotions and beauty when I united the opposite concepts into one,” the embroider said in an interview for Ballpit. “Also, I tend to express myself inspired by natural objects. I think that artificial works can never follow the beauty of nature. Nature is my absolute muse.”

Inspired by Korean scenery, the talented artist explained that during her walks she likes to “collect and absorb several elements of the senses such as seeing, hearing, smelling, etc.”

If you are interested in seeing her works, check out the gallery below. Don’t forget to follow her on Instagram for more images.