Lito Leafart is Creating Show-Stopping Leaf Cutouts

People living with ADHD have different ways of dealing with this disorder, and one Japanese artist found a great method to channel his scattered thoughts into something constructive. The artist who goes by Lito started cutting leaves into amazing works of art, and the results are truly unbe-leaf-able.

His Instagram page @lito_leafart attracted over 450,000 followers since he embarked on this journey, and each of his creations is more amazing than the last. He’s been sharing his art on Instagram since 2019, and we’ve seen him post hundreds of leaf cutouts over time, taking the most unusual and unexpected shapes.

Lito tries to make his leaf cutouts every day because they help him deal with his ADHD by staying grounded in reality and focusing on one thing at a time.

“Before I started leaf-cutting, I used to do paper-cutting, but I couldn’t get much attention. I was shocked to see the work of a Spanish leaf-cutting artist, and I started this art as well,” the artist told Bored Panda.

Since Lito basically uses nature as a canvas, it’s not a shocker that it’s his main source of inspiration. His leaf cutouts take shape of animals, plants, and occasional pop culture references, often conveying interesting stories unfolding on a single leaf.