Mom of Two Boys Creates Relatable Parenting Comics

They say that parenting is one of the hardest jobs. And when you consider all the challenges, struggles, and tough decisions parents face on a daily basis while trying to raise their child, you don’t need much convincing to start believing it.

Instagram artist Bonnie Mama Draws is a mom of two boys, so she has a pretty good idea of what it’s like to deal with parenting challenges. She is now sharing it with the rest of the world through a series of relatable parenting comics.

The works of Bonnie Draws don’t just focus on the “parenting” part of being a parent but also everything that comes with it. This includes all the adjustments and changes parents need to make in their life to accommodate the fact that a small person depends on them.

Bonnie Draws started making her parenting comics several years ago, and they have seen quite a change over time. This included shifting from hand-drawn to digital illustrations as well as diversifications of subjects they deal with.

“My doodles have ebbed and flowed based on my exhaustion levels and the stages of life that the kids were in,” the artist shares.

See more of these hilariously relatable comics below.