The Magical Miniature Paper Worlds of Laura Sayers

Discovering amazing artists is our favorite thing to do—which is why we’d like to introduce you to Laura Sayers. Her amazing paper art creations are miniature in size but absolutely adorable on the grand scale.

She patiently cuts layers of paper with scissors, and adds the final touch by hand-painting the details. As it describes on her website, “Through pairing her distinctive style with her own writing and creating bold images often on a miniature scale, Laura’s portfolio explores many themes including childhood, faith, location and personalities.”

Sayers lives in Glasgow, Scotland, where she holds up shop. She holds a degree in illustration and has been studying the art quite a lot in order to develop her own distinctive style. Making tiny paper art is not all that she does. She’s also skilled in taking amazing photos of her works, and creating charming artistic prints.

You can follow Sayers on Instagram alongside thousands of her other fans if you want to see more of her work. We guarantee that having her work on your feed will brighten your mood, and perhaps even motivate you to start doing something similarly creative yourself!