These Retrofuturistic Illustrations by Fabien Daubet Will Blow Your Mind

It is clear that the modern day is a lot different than how people imagined it some 50 or 100 years ago. There are no flying cars, we are not traveling through space, and robots haven’t turned us into their slaves. However, these wrong predictions are still serving a purpose, providing inspiration to numerous artists passionate about retrofuturism.

The term retrofuturism is used to describe an art practice that is influenced by past depictions of the future. It usually involves artworks like paintings, illustrations, and digital art that depict some far-fetched scenarios in an outdated scenery.

Talented illustrator Fabien Daubet is one of the artists who have been seduced by the blend of outdated and modern that retrofuturism offers. Creating under aliases Fab and Penguink Studio, Daubet produces beautiful illustrations of spaceships, buildings, and interiors.

These illustrations resemble the aesthetics used by ‘90s sci-fi Japanese anime in style but remain unique thanks to Daubet’s original ideas.

“As a traditional illustrator and concept artist with a passion for retrofuturism, these sketches are a glimpse into my inner universe,” explains Daubet.

If you want to see more of Daubet’s retrofuturism works, check out his social media or continue scrolling.