Woodpecker Stashes 700 Pounds of Acorns in the Walls of a House

Nick Castro from California-based pest control service Nick’s Extreme Pest Control has seen many strange things during his interventions. But a recent visit to one customer left him baffled by what he encountered.

Castro was summoned by a family who had its Santa Rosa house invaded by a woodpecker. The bird was poking holes in the walls of their home and storing its food, usually acorns, inside. This is quite a regular occurrence, as the woodpeckers like to have stashes of food hidden from other birds.

After arriving at the address and inspecting the holes, Castro realized that they didn’t have any acorns inside. He figured they must have gotten lost in the gap between the outer wall and the inner wall. The pest expert then opened a hole in the wall from inside the house to extract the acorns and was left shocked by what he found.

It turned out that the woodpecker was quite a hoarder as a massive river of acorns just started flooding out of the wall.

Castro ended up extracting 700 pounds of acorns that filled up eight large garbage bags. He later shared some photos on his social media from the scene, saying that he “never came across something like this.”

In the end, Castro and his team got rid of the acorns and filled the holes on the outside of the house. The homeowner also installed vinyl siding that will help deter hardworking woodpeckers from using his home as storage.