YouTuber Sets the World Record by Making the World’s Biggest Ice Cream Cone

Matthew Beem is a popular YouTube personality who likes all things big. He is known for making large-scale versions of everyday objects like giant stuffed animals and computers and recreating things from pop culture like the main characters of Pixar’s animated flick Cars.

Recently, Beem embarked on an unusual project that saw him attempt to make the world’s biggest ice cream cone. The record he needed to beet was a 10-feet-tall ice cream cone that was made in Norway in 2015. He documented his attempt in a viral video posted on YouTube earlier this month.

Beem’s project included making a metal frame to hold the ice cream cone, creating an inner layer out of chocolate, and then sticking waffles on the outside to mimic the look of a regular-size cone. He then filled the cone with vanilla ice cream and invited the officials from World Record Academy to measure it.

In the end, his ice cream cone was 11 feet tall, which was enough to secure him the world record.

Speaking with Insider after the completion of the project, Beem shared that there were many challenges he encountered on the way but he is happy that he accomplished such a demanding and tasty feat. 

“There were moments where I really thought this cone wouldn’t make the almost two-hour drive from where it was originally built to our measurement site, but because my team is so amazing we were able to maintain its integrity and continue the build the day of,” Beam told the media outlet.